
2020-08-28 11:33/ 发布 注意:下载按钮在歌词底部
作词:Chuck Zigga Jiang
Hit it raw like sashimi (你像一片刺身一样不加装饰)
I got all the rice get on top we Nigiri (我从来不缺米饭,那我们一起变成一片手握寿司吧)
No matter what color you got now I need you to gimmie (不论你是什么颜色的我现在就要你和我一起)
Dive into your ocean I’d be smoking up the seaweed (让我在你海洋里遨游)
Hit it raw like sashimi (你像一片刺身一样不加装饰)
I got all the rice get on top we Nigiri (我从来不缺米饭,那我们一起变成一片手握寿司吧)
Different color from Will but I can be your genie (我和威尔史密斯可能肤色不太一样,但我可以当你的精灵)
Lemme know your wish, is it love or is it Guidi? (告诉我你的愿望,要恋爱还是奢侈品?)
Call me sensei, give you that sensation (叫我老师,我会给你从没有过的感觉)
You could try but you can’t resist this temptation (你可以抗拒但你最后肯定抵挡不住诱惑)
This is the 2020 Chinese dance vibe music (这是2020年最新的中国律动舞曲)
If you diversified your circle yall already know it (如果你有跳出你的社交圈去尝试新东西,那你已经知道这是啥了)
But if you haven’t this ain’t that Made in China show biz (但如果你还没有,先说清楚这不是什么“中国制造”之类的玩意儿)
You might’ve guessed my money long, you gon find out what else is (你可能猜到我不缺钱,之后你会知道我别的也不缺)
So don’t be basic racist then we getting be wasted, (所以别搞什么种族歧视,也别那么俗气,我们一起就会不醉不归)
You might not seen this coming but I paid for your lasik so take it (你可能之前没有预见到事情会这样发展,那我给你出钱做个激光手术你就看到了呗)
And we be balling on the daily (我们天天都会吃喝玩乐)
Put this track on tiktok, next track I’ll with Tay Keith (把这歌放到短视频平台上,那下首歌我就要和Tay Keith合作了)
I’m the next best thing, drop me then you’ll hate me (我就是下一个说唱巨星,你要是现在脱粉你以后估计会恨我)
In six months just you watch J.P. Morgan Chase me (就等着看六个月以后大摩也要追着我跑)
And even if I don’t I’m riding with a master degree (而且就算我没做到,反正我已经有一个硕士学位了)
I’m not a gangster but I am also not a dude that retreats (我不是什么街头帮派人事,但我也从来不会怂)
I’ll be your Ronnie Fieg, shower you with so many treats (我可以当你的球鞋设计师,给你买数不清的礼物)
And go back to your girlfriends flex with so many deets (这样你回去之后可以跟你闺蜜疯狂炫耀) Bridge
Tonight it’s just you and me (今晚只有我和你)
We’d be the most unique piece (我们会成为最独一无二的存在)
Don’t force it just need one squeeze (不要去强迫任何事情,顺其自然就好)
Til we vanish we’d never leave (直到我们消失,我们不会离开对方)
Hit it raw like sashimi (你像一片刺身一样不加装饰)
I got all the rice get on top we Nigiri (我从来不缺米饭,那我们一起变成一片手握寿司吧)
No matter what color you got now I need you to gimmie (不论你是什么颜色的我现在就要你和我一起)
Dive into your ocean I’d be smoking up the seaweed (让我在你海洋里遨游)
Hit it raw like sashimi (你像一片刺身一样不加装饰)
I got all the rice get on top we Nigiri (我从来不缺米饭,那我们一起变成一片手握寿司吧)
Different color from Will but I can be your genie (我和威尔史密斯可能肤色不太一样,但我可以当你的精灵)
Lemme know your wish, is it love or is it Guidi? (告诉我你的愿望,要恋爱还是奢侈品?)
This is not because I’m Chinese but because I’m rapping (我这么厉害不是因为我来自中国,而是因为我在说唱)
And if you slept on me I guess you’d be napping (你以前没注意到我那我估计你是在爆打瞌睡)
Im might be versatile but tonight ain’t no multitasking (我确实长处很多,但是今天不会一心多用)
No distancing between us we can skip the masking (我们之间不用隔离,也不用戴口罩)
I’ll equip you with Matchesfahsion with passion, (我在时尚网站给你疯狂买衣服)
Purchase with no ration, they be lasting (毫无理性地购买,反正可以穿好久)
Take ’em off later that shit is not a question (当然之后肯定也要脱下来,这是毫无疑问的)
Need you to show me your true self this is not a casting (但是你一定要对我展现出你真实的自己,这可不是什么试镜)
So don’t pass me up let me out on tinder (所以别错过机会让我跑去社交网站上)
You know ima break them hearts the feeling gonna linger (那我只会去让其他人伤心又欲罢不能)
Once they get this dick, can’t get off it’s a binger (只要他们稍微了解我一点就没法儿停下来)
They call me KFC cuz they be licking fingers (他们说我就像肯德基因为总是要吮指)
And my last name Jiang you know I like a ginger (你知道我姓姜,所以喜欢热辣的女孩)
Ima get the baddest bitches they’ll get the remainder (最顶级的女生都会跟我走,剩下的其他人们随便挑)
But if you ride with me girl tonight ain’t nothing can hinder (但是你要是今天和我在一起就没有什么能够阻挡)
You being my only for twelve hours, we be winners (接下来半天里你就是我的唯一,我们都是赢家) Bridge
Tonight it’s just you and me (今晚只有我和你)
We’d be the most unique piece (我们会成为最独一无二的存在)
Don’t force it just need one squeeze (不要去强迫任何事情,顺其自然就好)
Til we vanish we’d never leave (直到我们消失,我们不会离开对方)
Hit it raw like sashimi (你像一片刺身一样不加装饰)
I got all the rice get on top we Nigiri (我从来不缺米饭,那我们一起变成一片手握寿司吧)
No matter what color you got now I need you to gimmie (不论你是什么颜色的我现在就要你和我一起)
Dive into your ocean I’d be smoking up the seaweed (让我在你海洋里遨游)
Hit it raw like sashimi (你像一片刺身一样不加装饰)
I got all the rice get on top we Nigiri (我从来不缺米饭,那我们一起变成一贯手握寿司吧)
Different color from Will but I can be your genie (我和威尔史密斯可能肤色不太一样,但我可以当你的精灵)
Lemme know your wish, is it love or is it Guidi? (告诉我你的愿望,要恋爱还是奢侈品?)
录音:Lowerclass Studio
发行:百纳娱乐/dop music

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